Friday, June 4, 2010

School's out for summer

Actually, spring semester ended a few weeks ago, but I haven't felt like I had much to say. The school year went very well. Fall gave me all A's, and spring left me with 5 A's and a single B. I know...real end of the world stuff, I know, but that does leave me with a 3.9 GPA for my freshman year. I am looking forward to my classes this fall. I will be taking German 2010, Psychology Lab and Methods (last class that is required for everyone taking a Psych degree), Human Sexuality (also for the Psych degree, but not directly required), Intro to Logic, and a Yoga class. It should be fun.

In the meantime, this summer is all about taking care of Tiff while she writes her thesis, and getting myself in better health. The doctor informed me that my cholesterol was higher than it should be, and that my blood sugar was higher than either of us would like to see. That means eating better, and getting more exercise. I am really looking forward to getting off of the medication that I am currently taking (blood pressure and cholesterol).